Here are several good articles for your reading pleasure:
Dividend Stocks 101: The Essential Guide
If you’re new to the site, check out this key resource.
Berkshire’s Succession Planning
Ravi Nagarajan discusses, in a balanced way, the information that is available regarding what will happen when Warren Buffett leaves Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett is currently Berkshire’s Chairman, CEO, and chief investment officer. His position is eventually expected to be filled by not one, but three separate people to perform these various roles whenever it occurs that Buffett no longer runs the company.
Dividend Calendar
With appropriate selection of dividend timing, you can pick dividend stocks such that you have income from them every month. Here’s a useful dividend calendar that outlines the dividend timetable of some prominent companies.
How To Help Your Spouse See You As a Financial Equal
Christa from Momvesting explains how to ensure your spouse sees you as a financial equal. Here’s a another good article on PEG ratios.
Percent Job Losses in Post WWII Recessions
This chart from Calculated Risk is extremely useful as a graphic for how this latest financial crisis recession in the US has related to previous US recessions.
Top 100 Dividend Stocks
Intelligent speculator provides a list of 100 dividend stocks for his November list.
Oil’s Finitude- A Moving Target
Defensiven had an oil theme this past week. Take a look at some of his latest articles.
If Only I Had Known About These Dividend Stocks
D4L points out that if he had known what he knows now about dividend growth stocks in his 20s or 30s, he’d likely be retired now. (A big hint to those reading this in that age range.)
Dividend Growth Stocks: The Best Kept Secret On Wall Street
Dividend Growth Investor highlights the immense shareholder wealth that Johnson and Johnson has created over the past 20 years.
Drop What You’re Reading When This Gets Published
Andrew Hallam talks about Michael O’Higgins investing history and his new book.
Weekend Reading Frosty Edition
Invest It Wisely’s weekend readings contain a ton of links, and in an exceedingly organized way.
Canadian Dividend Portfolio Analysis
The Dividend Guy analyzes another dividend portfolio, and compares it to the US Dividend Portfolio he looked at previously.
This Week’s Best Dividend Stock Evaluations
Dynamic Dividend collects several dividend stock evaluations into one spot for easy access. Also, check out his latest power rankings.
My Asset Location, Location, Location
My Own Advisor talks about the types of accounts he holds investments in.
Dividend Stock Analysis: TransCanada
Dividend Heaven has several stock analysis reports up on his blog.
Time To Pick Up American Stocks?
The Loonie Bin asks this question and discusses several US sectors.
Is Inflation Over Emphasized?
DIY Investor discusses inflation and it’s importance.
Great weekend links, Matt. I especially like the article “If Only I Had Known About These Dividend Stocks.”
I’m 27 and recently began buying undervalued dividend-paying stocks and reinvesting every dividend payment about two years ago. Now, about 10 out of 15 companies I own pay faithful and solid dividends. I find it incredibly enjoyable to see how the dividend payments increase over time and, though it’s a really slow process, it’s fun to evaluate the increase and calculate what the payouts will be in the future (assuming the dividends are not cut and follow their dividend increases over time).
Moreover, many of the stocks I purchased over the past two years have increased anywhere from 10-150%, so the appreciation, as well as the dividend payouts, make them valuable and wise investments.
Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.
Thanks for the links! I also like the article Pey mentions.
“Through the years I have settled down quite a bit. Using well-defined investment allocations, I have set boundaries and guidelines to ensure I don’t over expose my portfolio to undue risk and I employ a meticulous process when selecting investments. […] Starting in my 40′s, I will enjoy substantial investing success. However, if I knew in my 20′s or 30′s what I know now about dividend growth stocks, I would likely be retired now. The compounding power of growing dividends is tremendous. Start early, at some point time will change from your friend to your enemy.”
I am in my early 20s and have “already” started with dividend investing:) I think it is a great strategy but one that doesnt seem to fit with most youngsters. I think many young investors are inpatient and shortterm. Looking for the big and fast money.
I rather be rich in the long term then not at all.
Thanks for the mention. Also the dividend calendar was interesting – I’m going to mention it in a post as a good resource for investors.
Thanks for the mention. This is also a pretty great list of reads. :)
Thanks for the mention. Lots of really interesting links this week!
I’m glad the links are well received. I was hoping to include another video but it didn’t work out that way.