How do you generate income? Yield or Growth? Why Not Both? When generating income from a portfolio, some may encourage you to utilize high-yielding stocks. You have a million dollars, invest in 7% dividend payers, and earn $70K per year. That’s what I call “napkin calculations.” It’s easy to understand, straightforward and quite appealing. It’s […]
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Top Dividend Stocks For 2025
The Time Magazine named Donald Trump the Person of the Year for 2024, and you can bet that we are not done hearing about him. I’ve told you before that I’m not here to debate politics, and I don’t think politicians have a major impact on the stock market over a long period of time. […]
Don’t You Hate Not Knowing When To Buy? When To Sell?
Market fluctuations create confusion and leave you with the impression you will lose all your savings.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
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