The Essential Guide to Dividends
If you’re new to the site, check out this key resource.
Here are a few online articles that have been interesting to me lately.
First, I have to start with a shameless plug. I wrote a guest post for ChristianPF last week called 3 Reasons to Build Wealth. ChristianPF is a very useful personal finance blog regardless of which religion or philosophy you adhere to.
PF Firewall describes how to avoid a traffic ticket. The story at the end is funny.
My Journey to Millions helps his brother choose an online broker. I am a fan of Sharebuilder myself, as it’s a great broker for long-term investing.
Foreigner’s Finance argues that there should be a class on money education for high school students. I completely agree, and am sometimes troubled by the complete lack of knowledge that many young people have about money.
Redeeming Riches provides ideas and a challenge on how to save $10,000 in a year. It’s a good article that leads to several follow-up articles.
Thanks for the kind words :)
Austin @ Foreigner’s Finances
Thanks for the link and mention – I appreciate it!!!
Thanks for the link! Glad you liked my decision
Thanks for the mention! I thought I had already replied to this :) so scatter brained lately but thanks all the same!